Hi there – thanks for stopping by!

I am Sam, owner of Soy Into You. Candles have always been a love of mine. In fact, my boyfriend constantly jokes that I am going to burn the house down one day because I have always had a huge collection of candles. Jokes on him, my collection is getting even bigger!

It was December 12, 2019 when I was driving home and decided to take the back roads – the scenic route. I started to daydream, thinking of ways to earn extra income without relying on anyone else but myself. In that exact moment, I prayed about it and right then and there my prayers were answered. God spoke to me in that moment and I had an overwhelming feeling that I needed to start making soy candles. I had never made a candle in my life – let alone had the ambition to make one but in that moment, everything changed. Within another few minutes, Soy Into You popped into my head. It’s as if everything was lined up perfect. I knew God opened this door for a reason and I had to pursue this journey.

Upon getting home, I dove into candle making videos and jotted down a list of supplies to get me started. My first stop – Hobby Lobby. After a week or so of practicing candle making day and night, I took the next step of purchasing supplies from a candle supplier. I purchase a majority of my supplies from Candle Science and use 100% soy wax and phthalate free fragrance oil to ensure a clean burn, every time.

On January 22, 2020 Soy Into You Candle Company made its debut. I will continue to learn and grow each day, but this has been a fun process and exciting journey so far. I am so excited to share my passion with all of you!

To take it a step further, I wanted to make this a meaningful purchase. Not only will you be purchasing a relaxing clean burning candle, but $1 from each product purchased will be donated to Child Mind Institute – in hopes to end the stigma one step at a time. www.ChildMind.org